
  • Have you felt sad, depressed, or irritated for several days?

  • Do you notice that you don’t get enjoyment out of hobbies/activities you used to find exciting?

  • Does it seem like you don’t have enough energy or motivation to get things done?

  • Have you or your child been spending more time alone?

  • Notice more negative thoughts about yourself, your life, or others around you?

  • Are you sleeping more than usual, feel more restless at night, or feel very tired during the day?

  • How about having more thoughts about death or that life would be better if you weren’t around anymore?

There are several variables that can lead to depression including loss of a loved one, a life change or transition, changes in hormone levels, as well as environmental and personal stressors, just to name a few. Depression drags us down, making it difficult to do the very things that help us get better! If you or a family member are having trouble with these symptoms, you don’t have to struggle alone. VMHC is here to support you!